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Oops! It looks like there is an item in your box that has no available shipping dates or is no longer available. If you are seeing this message please remove and recreate your box, or contact us at!
Please select a ship out date below from the available dates. If you need your cookies to arrive for a specific date, please ensure your estimated delivery date is at least 1-2 days prior
Please select a delivery date below from the available dates. Your order will be delivered by our local delivery courier between 8am-5pm
Please select a pick up date below from the available dates. The pick up location is 20120 Stewart Crescent in Maple Ridge. Detailed pick up instructions will be sent your way after your order is placed
Looking for future dates? Remove flavours from your order with limited availability
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Delivery times may be longer than expected during the month of December.
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